A couple of days ago, I was talking to my goddess friend, Trish Bishop, about the meaning of free will.
From a higher perspective, supposedly we’ve been given the ability to choose for ourselves how we live – how we lead our lives.
For me, up until this conversation, I realize that free will for me has pretty much been the actions I take to create my life.
Trish pointed out that from her perspective free will is about what ENERGY we choose to live by. If you look at our world, especially now, there’s a very clear picture of the differing energies from which people are living.
Does the energy of fear, safety and security motivate our actions and beliefs?
Or does the energy of love, peace, compassion motivate our actions and beliefs?
Does greed and profit motivate our actions and beliefs?
Or does living from a servant’s heart motivate our actions and beliefs?
What is the energetic fuel that we live by, that we make decisions based upon on who to be and actions to take to move our life forward?
I can’t believe with all the stuff I know and have studied about our metaphysical nature, that I wasn’t getting this aspect of free will. A game changer for me as it also answers so many questions I have about WHY people are a certain way and do certain things that boggle my mind.
Now though, I’m on it. As I practice my free will from this new perspective, I feel more powerful and centered in myself as I shift into choosing the energy first from which I breathe every breath and then take action.
Feel FREE to comment…:)
**To learn more about Trish, click here
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