Wherever me and my computer go, fruit flies appear.
It amazes me how such a small, almost hard to see creature can create such havoc.
I like to work in my kitchen, surrounded by my plants and the streaming sunlight coming in through my many windows.
I get why they might be in the kitchen – but how do they get into my office a floor above where there are no plants or food?
Or the bathroom?
And they love going up my nose – especially when I’m on a zoom call and not paying attention to them.
It is the most annoying thing ever.
I’ve tried putting out bowls of honey around the room, bowls of red wine (as my farmer friend suggested), spraying my plants with Neem oil, putting my plants out on the deck temporarily to see which plant might be the culprit.
But still these critter bugs show up.
So until the weather gets colder, and these bugs can no longer survive, I’m going to reframe how I deal with them.
Reframe: whenever one of them shows up, I’m going to see it as a little angel coming to give me some love and remind me that all is well.
Then I’m going to squash it before it flies up my nose…:)
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