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Let’s stop falling in love!

May 18, 2020 by Comments

Falling hurts.  Falling is not fun. Falling is a physical act that many times requires bandaids, or casts, or crutches, and disrupts our daily lives.  Falling creates pain, boo boos and energy disruptions.

So why the hell do we “fall in love?”  That makes no sense to me at all.  Who came up with this cockamamy term anyway?

Love is like the highest and best feeling of all time. No boo boos when first connecting with that special person – just smiles, bliss and an explosive opening of your energy centers.

Shouldn’t we be “awakening in love” or “connecting in love” or “relishing in love” instead?

I like to think of the process of meeting that person, the person who you feel is going to be “that person” who you want to partner with, is a meeting of two people who bring out the parts in each other that they weren’t able to explore, experience or evolve with anyone else: the hidden heart parts that only certain people can trigger into life and magnificence.

It’s an act of each person being the beautiful energy that allows the unleashing of those delicious parts of ourselves – parts that just needed the right catalyst to reveal those magical elements of ourselves.

Then we “fall out of love?”

How about for “fall out of love” we use instead “disconnecting in love” or “releasing in love”?  Can we get the element of “pain” out of the act of loving someone or someone loving us? Even if we don’t stay together forever?

Just food for thought as we are all home contemplating how our lives are changing, how we’re going to move forward individually and collectively, and what the word LOVE means NOW in our new world – in all of our many different relationships.

Let’s avoid the fall, and work on the awakening…:

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Ali Skylar (242 Posts)

Ali Skylar’s mission is to use inspirational words, positive affirmations, mindfulness exercises and positive songs to help you learn how to change your life and have a true spiritual awakening! Ali uses her Shiftitudes -uniquely crafted self-affirmation acronyms - blog, books and courses to help keep you committed to your spiritual journey! Also, her Quotitudes – inspirational sayings, encouraging words and inspirational quotes about life - gently aid in helping you to achieve a positive mental attitude essential for personal growth and presence of mind. Chat with Ali on Google+ | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | YouTube

One response to “Let’s stop falling in love!”

  1. Diane says:

    This is wonderfully and beautifully written. So appropriate and grounded in truth!! Thanks Ali!

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