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Shine My What?

October 30, 2021 by Comments

Shine your light I’m told

So I envision golden light in my belly that radiates inwards and outwards

But what is this light made of?

Where does it come from?


Then today, I heard, I understood, I got it.

It’s compassion, kindness, peace, love, faith, joy, contentment and every other emotional energy that feeds our life force – that feeds ourselves and everyone around us.

My light is who I am and how I show up as a divine spark.

I just love when metaphysical things start to make sense.

So today and every day, may the light be with you…:)


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Ali Skylar (242 Posts)

Ali Skylar’s mission is to use inspirational words, positive affirmations, mindfulness exercises and positive songs to help you learn how to change your life and have a true spiritual awakening! Ali uses her Shiftitudes -uniquely crafted self-affirmation acronyms - blog, books and courses to help keep you committed to your spiritual journey! Also, her Quotitudes – inspirational sayings, encouraging words and inspirational quotes about life - gently aid in helping you to achieve a positive mental attitude essential for personal growth and presence of mind. Chat with Ali on Google+ | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | YouTube

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