CHARACTERS: Ali and Jamie, a married couple, together for a really long time!!
SETTING: In their bed, about to go to sleep
ALI: You know, I never considered the possibility that as I reach this golden age of maturity and wisdom (LOL!) that I would be sleeping with Darth Vadar.
JAMIE: Sorry hon.
ALI: I was more a Hans Solo fan anyway.
JAMIE: I kinda liked Yoda myself.
ALI: Look, I’m so relieved you’re feeling better and sleeping better after all these years of waking up feeling like shit and no one being able to identify the issue. But still…
JAMIE: I know hon. This machine though has definitely been a major game changer for my energy and focus and overall brain function.
ALI: Definitely. I can see that too. But still…
JAMIE: I got it babe. C-PAP = C-CRAP.
ALI: Yes! C-CRAP! That’s it! What a great name!! Call the company now and let’s get them to rename and rebrand this sucker.
JAMIE: We can’t call it that babe. Because that’s just bad juju and then it might break or won’t work, or I’ll get my vestibular migraines again, or I won’t sleep through the night anymore, or…
Ali interrupts..
ALI: Okay, okay Darth, I get it. We don’t want to jinx the machine that has changed your life. C-PAP it is.
JAMIE: Thanks hon.
ALI: Wait I got it! Let’s call it C-YODA! Now he’s someone I could get into sleeping next to. I’d much rather drift into lala land with Lightworker Yoda than Dark Darth Vadar.
JAMIE: Let’s just appreciate that we have each other to sleep with and come over here and give me a snuggle before I have to put this damn contraption on.
Jamie and Ali go to sleep….
PS: Funny enough, I found a picture of Darth Vadar with a CPAP machine on after I wrote this post. I guess there are other people out there having the same issue!!!
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