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The Fly And I

October 25, 2021 by Comments

The other night, I’m about to go to bed and my dog, Zeus, bolts out of his cage/bed/home freaked out.

It’s a fly.  

A tiny fly hiding in Zeus’s bed, disrupted by Zeus entering for his night’s respite.

I don’t know why, but Zeus is terrified of flies.  

Just the noise of one buzzing around the house freaks him out.  

He hides behind the couch, or in a corner in the bathroom or between my feet if I’m sitting down. 

Meanwhile, thunder and storms don’t bother him at all. Go figure.

It’s late, and I’m beat and I want to go to bed, but I know if I don’t get this fly out of the house Zeus will have a rough night and so will I as Zeus will wake me up for comforting.

Usually, during the day if a fly gets in the house they fly near the windows – where’s there’s light – and I let them out, no harm done.

Not tonight though.

So I get my hand towel and follow that sucker around the downstairs rooms, hoping that in my exhausted state I’ll be quick enough to put it out of its, and our, misery fast.

Lots of tries, no luck.

Come on brain, figure it out.  What do I do now? 

So I turn on a light in the mudroom near the door to the garage, hoping the fly will be attracted to the light and then fly out the garage door.

“Hey fly!” say I.  “I don’t want to hurt you.  Here’s the door to freedom!  Get your buzzy butt over here!”

And the fly does.

It lands on the overhead light. 

I open the garage door and it flys out of the house.

I couldn’t believe it.  

Who knew flies understood English!  

I’m going to try this on the bullfrog that lives under my stairs tomorrow….




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Ali Skylar (242 Posts)

Ali Skylar’s mission is to use inspirational words, positive affirmations, mindfulness exercises and positive songs to help you learn how to change your life and have a true spiritual awakening! Ali uses her Shiftitudes -uniquely crafted self-affirmation acronyms - blog, books and courses to help keep you committed to your spiritual journey! Also, her Quotitudes – inspirational sayings, encouraging words and inspirational quotes about life - gently aid in helping you to achieve a positive mental attitude essential for personal growth and presence of mind. Chat with Ali on Google+ | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | YouTube

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