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What Kind Of Heart Do You Have?

August 19, 2021 by Comments


The other day I heard an inspirational speaker ask the question “Do you have a kind or a critical heart?”


Got me thinking…


I like to think of myself as a kind person with a kind heart – one who is Compassionate and Caring, living by values that Create Connection.


(Wow, those “C” words just keep coming…I’m capitalizing the letter “C” in Case you miss them…:)




I also see my Critical mind take the stage sometimes – Criticizing not just Conditions, or people – but myself as well.


A Conundrum for sure.


How can I have both a kind and a Critical heart?  Don’t the two as opposites just Cancel each other out?  You know, kind of like putting your foot on the gas and the brakes Concurrently? 


(author’s note: When I first wrote the previous sentence, instead of concurrently I had “at the same time” but realized I could use another “C” word instead.) 


So does the heart, which  I see as a vessel of love, pure love, no lower energy frequencies, also Contain sucky energies that don’t always serve us?


 OR, is it our MIND that Contains the sucky stuff and the heart serves as a transducing vehicle that helps us process the Critical into the kind?  A transducing vehicle that helps us to birth Coherent Creation.


 Something to ponder today.  Anything Coming up for you?  All ideas and other “C” words welcome.





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Ali Skylar (242 Posts)

Ali Skylar’s mission is to use inspirational words, positive affirmations, mindfulness exercises and positive songs to help you learn how to change your life and have a true spiritual awakening! Ali uses her Shiftitudes -uniquely crafted self-affirmation acronyms - blog, books and courses to help keep you committed to your spiritual journey! Also, her Quotitudes – inspirational sayings, encouraging words and inspirational quotes about life - gently aid in helping you to achieve a positive mental attitude essential for personal growth and presence of mind. Chat with Ali on Google+ | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | YouTube

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