Last New Years’ Eve I went to Staples to pick up poster boards for the 4 of us to make vision boards for the upcoming year. A yearly ritual we started a couple of years back.
I’m in the poster board section alongside another woman who is buying poster board as well.
We start up a conversation and ever since that day, we meet once a week to connect to have meaningful, revelatory, uplifting conversations.
What inspired me to connect with this total stranger?
First of all, her smile and energy were just so loving and kind.
Then she told me a bit about herself.
She was in the process of recovering from cancer. Not there yet, but in the process.
She was just bubbling and beaming and part of me couldn’t totally get how this person could be so vibrant and alive while working to heal from cancer.
So I asked her, what she felt was the major “thing” that was keeping her so excited about life as she dealt with this very intense experience (when she described what she had been through I was amazed that she was actually standing right in front of me).
She told me gratitude. Not just having gratitude but BEING gratitude in every moment of every day.
Wow! I want that – I want to feel that.
At the time of our meeting, it was the beginning of the “new normal,” so I was definitely struggling with being able to powerfully connect with gratitude, feeling more the uncertainty and fear that most of us were experiencing during that time. (This year and a half have definitely amped up my desire and ability to practice and BE gratitude, and my connection with this woman has helped me to strengthen my gratitude practice.)
I was in awe of how she was managing this crisis and WHO SHE HAD BECOME – an even better version of herself, because of it. And she wasn’t there yet…
I was guided to stay connected to her. She was the real deal, someone who TRULY had a transformative transformation of the most divine kind that I could learn from.
So every week we talk and learn from each other and share words of wisdom as well as laughter and appreciation and observations which deepen our connection.
This weekend she shared that she was finally in REMISSION!
And this after just weeks ago stepping into taking new chances and actions to create a new path in her life that she is feeling ready to embark upon.
Although ecstatic with the news and beyond grateful, she shared with me that part of her was hoping to hear the word CURED.
Suddenly, I got hit with the message that the word REMISSION is even better than CURED!
Because for the past couple of years, she has been and is always taking the steps to re-invent, re-new, re-ignite, and re-birth new parts of herself that are allowing her to RE-MISSION her life!
She is now, more than ever, on a RENEWED MISSION to create and step into even MORE of her abundance.
She loved the reframing and I could feel the power this word will now have to help fuel and support her life.
Words can be so powerful when you find the spark of divinity within them…:)
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